Welcome to Facilitation Zone™
We are an international network of about 30 experts in facilitation, coaching, organization consulting and training (ISO 9001:2015 certified organization – No. FACI1316Q2002). We are active primarily in Europe, in the main European languages, and offer a diversified mix of competences and experiences. We have a transversal presence in several sectors and countries and have developed a great capacity for interacting with different company cultures.
Our mission
Helping organizations, teams and individuals improve their mid-long term performance and well-being.
We do this by helping our clients find their own solutions, stimulating capacity and independence, encouraging responsibility, promoting diversity, creating an atmosphere of trust and collaboration, facilitating sustainable and lasting changes, establishing mid-long term relations with our partners and clients. All this… having fun!
Continuous learning is what drives us; we continue to improve ourselves by training with the best international professionals and we love working on projects that allow us to grow together with our clients.
We strive to have a significant, profound impact through our work; we seek to establish conditions for sustainable change, helping our clients quickly become independent without having to continue to rely on external consultants.
We love to create and help create; we believe the creative process to be the basis of life, capable of stimulating growth and development in both individuals and systems; in our interventions we favor the use of creative approaches based on holistic methods.
We believe courage to be essential for growth, learning and transformation; we encourage our clients and ourselves to expose oneself, to take risks, to admit and learn from one’s mistakes, to take responsibility for one’s actions and to create something new.
We seek to connect people, to inspire them, to be open and welcoming in their regards, and to help them with dedication if they wish to be helped. We do it by listening, by not judging, by offering them an alternative point of view, the passion for what we do, the authenticity with which we relate to them.