We help people sustainably develop their ability to manage themselves and their relations with colleagues and collaborators, and to orient the growth of their team, so as to be better prepared to face any type of challenge.
Targeted at those who wish to improve their ability to positively deal with themselves (e.g. motivation, stress, self-esteem, work organization) and/or others (e.g. conflict resolution, motivation, delegating), to anyone who is interested in his or her personal development and growth, to those who wish to give their lives more meaning and better define their identities.
To perform better, to be healthier, more satisfied, more efficient, more authentic.
All our educational and development interventions are based on our approach: building trust and collaboration, encouraging people to act and take responsibility, offering added value sustainable in the mid-long period, helping exploit the value of diversity and offering personalized programs tailored on the specific needs of our client.
- Leadership transformation programs: focused on helping the individual develop his or her personal leadership. The goal is not only that of developing one’s skills, but of discovering one’s unique characteristics, the ones that make you a unique leader; learning how make the best in you emerge. We will deal with questions like: power and personal influence, managerial identity, interpersonal relations and communication, self-centring, internal and external conflict management, etc.
- Coaching: includes transactional coaching and ontological coaching, with the opportunity of undergoing individual assessments, including 180° and 360° feedbacks, and team assessments for team coaching.
- Managerial training: focused on providing individuals with specific managerial skills: problem solving, decision making, delegating, time management, stress management, efficient communication, team dynamics management, etc.